Preparing for the end of Cheap Energy

We all know it's coming, and there is likely no chance to stop it. Write your congressman and all that, but this blog is about SURVIVING through and THRIVING throughout the end of cheap energy. Let's toss in global warming, economic upheaval, and various other major calamities facing civilization.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Holdin' steady

Looks like I've done pretty much what I thought I'd do since my last post - Isn't that grand, that I can hold steady on a strategy for a whole 11 days?

Oil has gone up a fair bit - My 2015's and 2016's are going for over $104 each. Unfortunately, I sold one of my 2015's for $99.60, so I made a little bit on that one, basically breaking even.

04/09/2008 Sell To Close 1 CLZ15 Crude Oil DEC 2015 99.60

This was part of the plan, as I was a little uncomfortable holding 5 longs. But obviously I would rather have the $5k I would have earned by selling it today instead of last week :)

At this point, I'm holding:
4 long term oil contracts - going for about $104.65
3 long term natural gas contracts (one in june 2013, 2 in dec 2013)
1 long on euro (June 2009)
1 short on S&P (sept 2009)

Natural gas is a very interesting one. Short term natural gas has gone way up, but long-term has gone down. It makes me think there are a bunch of gamblers out there who are spread investing, ie. shorting the long-term and going long in the short-term. They're making money now on it, but they're going to have to eventually close out those long-term contracts. For the long-term investor like myself, I think right now is a great time to buy long-term natural gas. I'm even thinking about buying one of these myself.

Also, lost almost $10k today on my S&P short since it went up almost 30+ points today. But I'm not sad, since again our 401k and what-not rose to offset. It's pretty much doing just what I'd hoped to do. In fact, this short and the long euro are basically my most comfortable investments out of our entire portfolio.


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