Preparing for the end of Cheap Energy

We all know it's coming, and there is likely no chance to stop it. Write your congressman and all that, but this blog is about SURVIVING through and THRIVING throughout the end of cheap energy. Let's toss in global warming, economic upheaval, and various other major calamities facing civilization.

Monday, April 09, 2007

how can they be so different?

I find it amazing how different the peak oil movement can be vs. government agencies. I mean, the agency responsible for measuring and forecasting oil says that we'll experience signifcant growth in production over the next 25 years, and it will be dependent upon how high/low prices are.

In fact, it shows that despite the past 30 years of pretty steady decline in the U.S. production, we'll level out - maybe even grow! Isn't that fantastic?

The government would never lie to us, would they?


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