Why not stockpile?
As you would probably guess, I look pretty regularly for blogs and articles and such for ideas to prepare for peak oil, but they're few and far between. They are tons of folks talking about peak oil, but hardly any that say, "be sure to prepare/protect yourself by doing such and such." In fact, I see more folks trumpeting, "don't bother stockpiling" than I see saying, "here's some stuff you should do or get."
Well why the hell not stockpile? It's certain that lots of things that are currently plentiful are going to be in short supply at some point in our lifetimes (and possibly uncomfortably soon). So why wouldn't I take the precautionary measure of stockpiling goods that I think that are going to be few and far between?
I think peak oil authors aren't taking this angle for one of four reasons:
1. They're liberal hippies who foolishly think they can save the world from peak oil
2. They're doing it themselves and they don't want folks driving up demand until they're done stockpiling
3. They think people care enough about what they say that they might start a hysteria
4. They're afraid of sounding like some survivalist nut
Here's a fact that none of them are going to be able to change: There are 6 billion people in the world, and without fossil fuels the earth's carrying capacity is probably more like 1 billion. Of those 1 billion, maybe a few million will have a decent standard of living when it's all said and done. I'd like to be one of those few million, and I'm sure as hell not going to luck into it.
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