Preparing for the end of Cheap Energy

We all know it's coming, and there is likely no chance to stop it. Write your congressman and all that, but this blog is about SURVIVING through and THRIVING throughout the end of cheap energy. Let's toss in global warming, economic upheaval, and various other major calamities facing civilization.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Ever meet a Mormon you didn't like?

I doubt it. For example, I think that the name "Bruce" is forbidden in the Book of Mormons. The only time Mormons stink is when you're in Utah trying to get a drink at 11pm.

So what do these crazy Mormons go and do?!?! Create a very comprehensive website about food storage and related topics. As you probably know, Mormons are required to have one years supply of food.

The info is awesome, very practical & thorough - one I'm keeping permanently:,11677,1706-1,00.html


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