Preparing for the end of Cheap Energy

We all know it's coming, and there is likely no chance to stop it. Write your congressman and all that, but this blog is about SURVIVING through and THRIVING throughout the end of cheap energy. Let's toss in global warming, economic upheaval, and various other major calamities facing civilization.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

New Years Resolutions

I've always been a fan of NY resolutions. Here's one author's suggestion.

A couple things he points out:
1. Compact flourescents. I haven't mentioned this one, but everyone should consider using these. We haven't gotten around to it yet either, so NY is a great time to do it.
2. He notes that 2006 production will be below 2005. It was projected to be, but at this point I think it may be clear. I'll follow up on this after the new year.

Oh & BTW I'm watching a thing on the Mayan calendar and it's freaking me out. Dec 21, 2012 is the Mayan end of days. Scary stuff - here's a wiki on the Maya calendar in case you're interested. Let me know if you find a more thorough source for the Mayan end of the world.


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