gas prices... ugh
Sorry it's taken me a bit to post. Sure I've been busy, but truthfully, I simply didn't have anything that I thought was worth sharing. I've been rather bummed recently, reading these fools remarking how great it is that oil prices are down. Or that gas prices are down. Next I'll be reading about how large SUV's are making a comeback.
You know, you can always spot a complete fool as they're making small talk, saying how terrible it is to have gas prices that are so high. And it doesn't do any good to tell them they're a fool - trust me on this one, I've tried (j/k).
The real bad thing is that oil prices have fallen just before an election cycle, keeping evil fools (or perhaps foolish evil) in office. Kuntsler has tossed out a consipiracy idea, that the army piled up on oil and oil futures, driving the prices up, and has since stopped (a few months before elections) which will bring prices down.
I don't generally buy conspiracy theories (as per Goethe, "Why blame conspiracy when stupidity explains so much?"), but I must admit I do like to entertain them a little. I definitely think there's something rather mysterious about oil falling, even considering the much-hyped Jack2. Are traders really that stupid? I can't figure it out.
Regardless, buy oil now, you may not see a better chance - ever. And if you're buying derivatives, make sure the strike date is after November.
I'm with you, Todd. It's frustrating to hear the pundits declare low oil prices as "proof" that Peak Oil is false, particularly when nothing in the theory says anything about prices before the peak. It's hard to think about all the people who might have otherwise had the opportunity to learn some skills and gather resources before the decline, who will now turn a blind eye until it's far too late. Anyway, you're not alone. Talk to you later...
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