Preparing for the end of Cheap Energy

We all know it's coming, and there is likely no chance to stop it. Write your congressman and all that, but this blog is about SURVIVING through and THRIVING throughout the end of cheap energy. Let's toss in global warming, economic upheaval, and various other major calamities facing civilization.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

great ideas for wind power

Site that sells wind generators et al:

Couple tips it has:
1. If you're in a higher wind area, why not buy a bunch of smaller turbines instead of one big one? It would be cheaper, more power, and not violate zoning height restrictions, to name a few.
2. A FORKLIFT BATTERY! Of course - one of the biggest hassles of going with wind is the battery. You have to take super good care of them, they're not high enough capacity, the go out after a few years, etc. But you can use a forklift battery! It's super powerful, durable, high capacity, etc. You can get a used one and it should work 20 years. I assume it would work just as well for solar as it would for wind (pls correct if I'm wrong).

Glad I came across this one.


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